January 23, 2020, the Wuhan comes in front of the world with
Coronavirus (WHO, 2020) a single RNA Corona Virus spreading rapidly from Wuhan,
China. To prevent the spread the Chinese government put around 15 million
people under the lockdown condition to break the chain of the virus spreading with
direct human-to-human or virus contact, no treatment or antidote currently
available to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19). In last three-month
coronavirus has infected around 3,14,929 cases of infection of the human body,
where the 13,571 death and 95,880 recoveries have been observed. According to
scientists and experts, if the antidote does not come in the picture, the rate
of infection and death will increase gradually.
The resonant
frequencies mechanism used to treat the cancer cells invented by Dr. Holland.
The resonant frequencies lead to changes in the shape of the cells and eventual
destruction of the cell. The specific microorganisms could be targeted with
specific frequencies by building the specific frequency machine, leaving other
nearby organisms unharmed. By producing the same frequency as the frequency of
microbes and making the arrangement for resonance they could shatter and die.
The present study is proposed to destroy the coronavirus
COVID-19 from the atmosphere and the human body by implementing the phenomenon of
frequency resonance i.e. with the help of resonance canon generating a couple
of frequency i.e. one same frequency as the natural frequency of COVID-19, and
another 11 times smaller than the natural frequency of COVID-19, which will
ultimately lead to generating resonance and distortion of coronavirus without
harming the other microbes.
Keywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, Frequency, Resonance, Cure,
Human, Atmosphere, Treatment, Prevention of Spread, Canon, Vibration, The mechanism, Sonic waves, EMF
CORONA Virus CoVid-19
January 23, 2020, the Wuhan comes in front of word with
Coronavirus (WHO, 2020) a single RNA Corona Virus spreading rapidly from Wuhan,
China. To prevent the spread the Chinese government put around 15 million
people under the lockdown condition to break the chain of the virus spreading with
direct human to human or virus contact, no treatment or antidote currently
available to prevent the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) (REUTERS, 2020). The
study shows that the present coronavirus shows the similarity with the beta
coronavirus which usually found in bat, however, it is genetically distinct from
other coronaviruses like SARS. (WIKIPEDIA, 2020).
Human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 has been confirmed
(Chan JF, 2020) transmission occurs primarily via respiratory droplets from
coughs and sneezes within a range of about 2 meters (6 ft. 7 in) (E, 2020) indirect
contact via contaminated surfaces is another possible cause of infection.
Preliminary research indicates that the virus may remain viable on plastic and
steel for up to three days, but does not survive on cardboard for more than one
day or on copper for more than four hours, and is inactivated by soap. (Yong,
2020) Viral RNA has also been found in stool samples from infected patients.
(Holshue ML, 2020)
Within the journey of the last three-month coronavirus has
infected around 3,14,929 cases of infection of the human body, where the 13,571
death and 95,880 recoveries have been observed. (Worlometer, 2020) According to
scientists and experts, if the antidote does not come in the picture, the rate
of infection and death will increase gradually.
Resonance Frequency Theory
The resonant frequency is the same phenomenon used to
shattering glass by using the sound of a person’s voice. When someone taps a
glass, it emits a natural resonant frequency. To induce shattering, a person
must match the resonant frequency of the glass with the vibration of their
voice, getting louder and louder until the glass finally breaks.
The resonant
frequencies mechanism used to treat the cancer cells invented by Dr. Holland.
The resonant frequencies lead to changes in the shape of the cells and eventual
destruction of the cell. The specific microorganisms could be targeted with
specific frequencies by building the specific frequency machine, leaving other
nearby organisms unharmed. (GateWay for Cancer Research, 2015).
Dr. Holland and the team have tested the Resonance frequency the mechanism to cure the cancer cells. Where they used the therapeutic device
invented by a New Mexico physician Dr. James Bare, the specialty of this device
that it produces the non- constant pulse, as a constant pulse 2 of electricity
would produce too much heat and therefore destroy the cell (Futurism, 2016).
The first implementation was on pancreatic cancer after the number of
iterations the specific frequency to treat pancreatic cancer cells are found out
lying between 10,000Hz to 30,000 Hz.
Similarly, Dr. Holland tries to treat the Lukemenia Cancer
cell and the frequency resonance experimental setup was able to share the cells
before they could divide. In repeated and controlled experiments, the
frequencies, known as oscillating pulsed electric field (OPEF) technology,
killed an average of 25% to 40% of leukemia cells, going as high as 60% in
some cases. Furthermore, the intervention even slowed cancer cell growth rates
up to 65%. (Futurism, 2016)
According to the study of Rife, bacteria or viruses emitted
specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), by producing the same frequency as
the frequency of microbes and arranging for resonance they could shatter and
die. (Health line, 2020).
Present Study
All of the chemical reactions in the cells of the living
organisms are caused by electromagnetic oscillations, pulsations, and
vibrations, which are collectively referred to as vibrational frequencies. All
physical matter is vibrating at its vibrational frequency.
Resonance occurs when
a connection is made between a source and a target that is vibrating at the
same frequency. When this happens, the materials become joined and are said to
be resonating. Once resonance has been achieved, an energy exchange takes place
on the surface of the membrane of each cell. If the source of energy is more
powerful, it directly impacts the targeted material resulting in a biological
reaction. Both infrasound and ultrasound are capable of producing resonance.
The present study is proposed to destroy the coronavirus
COVID-19 from the atmosphere and the human body by implementing the phenomenon of
frequency resonance i.e. with the help of frequency generator generating the
same frequency as the natural frequency of COVID-19, which will ultimately lead
to generating resonance and distortion of coronavirus without harming the other
The spreading rate of
coronavirus is very high, it is mainly through human to human contact, it can
sustain its life on the surface some of the materials (WIKIPEDIA, 2020)
Coronavirus is spherical with diameters of approximately 50-200 nm as depicted
in recent studies by cryo-3 electron tomography and cryo-electron microscopy.
The most prominent feature of coronaviruses is the club-shaped spike
projections on the surface of the virus.
Concerning the present situation and scenario, the major
challenge is to prevent the spread of coronavirus through the human body,
through the atmosphere, and to cure the affected human cells and body. The present study shows the iteration to prevent the spread of the virus through
the following methods.
Resonance CanonFrequency Resonance Generator
Concerning the study, it is proved that the Coronavirus does
not spread through the air, it can only spread through direct contact with the
virus and physical connection with the affected human body. The present study
shows the concept of Resonance Canon to implement the phenomenon of frequency
resonance to break down the coronavirus with the following assumption.
o Natural Frequency of Coronavirus- 𝐹 𝐻𝑧
o Size of Corona Virus- 50 to 200 𝑁𝑚
o Atmospheric Temperature- 25 ̊𝐶
Resonance Canon is a mechanical device integrated with
Infrasonic and ultrasonic generators, devices consisting of a directional
antenna dish, which can send acoustic pulses to a general or a specific
frequency. The Output of the device is coupled with two frequency One with the same natural frequency of coronavirus i.e. 𝐹 𝐻𝑧,
and another exactly 11 times smaller frequency i.e. “𝑓 𝐻𝑧”
with a time interval of 𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛
and the range of frequency transmission around 𝑥 𝑀
through the medium of Air by considering the other optical like Concrete,
Glass, Human, Animal, and Plants (The capacity to cover the area can be varied
to the design of Frequency Generator).
According to the present scenario, coronavirus is present on
the surface of various material & as per the study of Dr. Holland and Rife,
a surface molecule of material and coronavirus are vibrating on their natural
frequency. When both the externally generated vibrations collide with the surface molecule of material and coronavirus for the time duration of 𝑇
Due to the sudden impact of both the external frequency, the vibration of a surface molecule and virus molecule get amplified, the higher
frequency 𝐹 𝐻𝑧 will help to set
the virus molecules on resonance where the smaller frequency will help to separate
the virus molecule from the surface of varies material. After the successful
duration of time 𝑇 𝑀𝑖𝑛, the
virus molecules will be separated by frequency 𝑓 𝐻𝑧,
start to change in the physical shape of virus i.e. breakage of spikes,
breakage of an outer protein core and finally the death of the virus.
The resonance will
create the major effects on the physical and biological property of coronavirus,
which is as follows.
o The spikes and breakage of the outer protein core will
lead to expose the RNA directly to the atmosphere and lead to the death of the
o Distortion of the physical and biological structure of a virus without any breakage, which will reduce the capacity to fight with
atmospheric conditions and chemical reactions with antidotes.
o Drastically
reduce the multiplication rate in the human body.
o Increase the percentage to get react and neutralized with antidotes.
o Break the chain of
the spread of coronavirus through the human body and atmosphere.
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JF, Y. S. (2020, Feb). A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with 2019
novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family
cluster. The Lancet.
· E,
E. (2020, Jan 25). How does coronavirus spread?
· Futurism. (2016, Jan 26).
Retrieved from https://futurism.com/resonant-frequency-might-be-theanswer-to-a-less-intrusive-cancer-treatment
· GateWay for Cancer
Research. (2015, Oct 21). Retrieved from https://www.gatewaycr.org/gatewayblog/posts/2015/october/shattering-cancer-with-resonant-frequencies/
Holshue ML, D. C. (2020, March). First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in The United States. The New England Journal of Medicine.
· Perlman, A. R. (2016).
Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and Pathogenesis. Retrieved
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REUTERS. (2020, 01 14). Retrieved from REUTERS: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-healthpneumonia-who-idUSKBN1ZD16J
· WHO.
(2020, January 23). WHO. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/publications-detail/surveillancecase-definitions-for-human-infection-with-novel-coronavirus-(ncov)
WIKIPEDIA. (2020). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome_coronavirus_2
· Yong, E. (2020, 03 20).
Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful. The Atlantic.
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